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This guide will walk you though installing the Discord-Luau package into an IDE of your choice, enabling you to start creating Discord Applications!


The Luau language is yet to find it’s true package manager, which makes installing Discord-Luau a little bit more complicated than other languages..

and in order to keep to some sort of standard for installing this as a package, we’ve gone for the dreaded Git Submodules approach.

Git Submodules

This section will assume you know nothing about Git submodules, and if so.. oh god forgive me for stress i’m about to cause you.. sorry!

Jokes aside, Git Submodules are actually a really useful resource for linking git repositories into one another, by doing this, we allow your code (which should be a git repository) to import discord luau (a git reposoitory), and then use this as a package in your project.

Setting up a git repository

Assuming you just have a folder at the moment, and you’re in that folder, within your IDE (I’ll be using VSCode as reference) what you have is not yet a git repository.

To create a git repository, you’ll need to execute the following command in a command line, inside of your project folder:

Terminal window
git init

This should set up a git repository inside of that folder (if you don’t see any new files, or changes, don’t worry! Git did create a .git folder, it’s normally just hidden by your OS!)

Adding Discord-Luau to your workspace

Assuming you’ve set up a git repository, add Discord-Luau to your workspace by executing the following in a command line:

Terminal window
git submodule add DiscordLuau

Updating Discord-Luau

Assuming you’ve set up a git repository, and added Discord-Luau as a submodule, you can update Discord-Luau through the following commands

Terminal window
cd DiscordLuau
git checkout Master
git pull origin Master
cd ..

if we break this down a bit, in our terminal, we’re entering the DiscordLuau folder (which is the git repository for DiscordLuau!) then switching from HEAD (the version you had installed locally) to master, which is the latest version of DiscordLuau that is most updated and then pulling any changes we don’t have, from github, into our repository.

I’ve made changes to Discord-Luau

If you’ve made changes to Discord-Luau, and you’re unable to checkout a different branch, or pull from the remote, i’d suggest creating a fork of discord-luau, and maintaing that fork.

I will not be going into details on how you’d do that.. one because I suck at git, and two because generally we’re going to be going into more advanced topics that you should learn indepdantly from discord-luau.

Don’t make changes to discord-luau, unless you’re comfortable with Git!

Removing Discord-Luau

Yeah.. maybe it’s time we switch to a package manager, or maybe you just can’t update and you’d rather just re-install discord-luau..

well, you can remove the submodule through the following commands:

Terminal window
git rm DiscordLuau